Getting a good night’s sleep can actually help you solve problems (and you thought “sleep on it” was just an expression):
The study at the University of California San Diego showed that the volunteers who entered REM during sleep improved their creative problem solving ability by almost 40%.
The findings suggest it is not merely sleep itself, or the passage of time, that is important for the problem solving, but the quality of sleep.
Read more at: BBC NEWS | Health | Problems are solved by sleeping.
-- Important: The Sleep Blog does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Instead, this website provides general information for educational purposes only. Always seek the advice of a qualified health care provider if you have questions or concerns regarding any medical condition or treatment.
Yes I believe this is true
sk6818 I’m not easily impressed. . . but that’s impressing me! 🙂
Last one now that the children have gone to bed. . .Re 19a: For years our yacht Firenze had really needed a bigger propeller and it was eventually provided by my friend Christine (for services rendered?). Anyway, after it was fited she insisted it be christened &##8s6;Chri1tine&28217;, with a splash of champagne ,before the boat went back into the water. When asked why she replied that “Christine is a bloody good *crew”!!! I make no further comment and hope pommette doesn’t read this one!