Insomnia Revealed.

 What is insomnia?

Insomnia generally refers to trouble falling and staying asleep. As a medical term, insomnia is defined as any sleep-related disorder, such as difficulty of falling asleep and/or staying asleep. It is worth mentioning that insomnia can have various forms- from occasional, lasting only few days to chronic (which may last months).


The two main symptoms of insomnia are involuntary shortening of sleep and being unable to sleep despite feeling fatigue.


Insomnia affects different people for different reasons. The most common causes are:  psychiatric disorders such as depression, anxiety and stress. Other causes of insomnia include poor diet and leading an unhealthy lifestyle; people who drink alcohol or caffeinated beverages or eat late at night are more likely to suffer from insomnia. People who have a disturbed circadian rhythms due to working late night shifts or going to bed at varied times each night are more at risk of experiencing insomnia.


Effective treatment of insomnia should be based on eliminating the primary cause based of the insomnia (somatic or mental disorders). There is range of treatments/methods for relief of symptoms of insomnia. A systematic treatment must be provided to regulate circadian rhythms, the elimination of stimulants (such as coffee and alcohol) and proper diet. In many cases, patients have improved their condition by practicing relaxation techniques.

In the most difficult cases, pharmacological treatment is used to fight insomnia. Sleep medications should not be abused – their use should take place for limited time and always under medical supervision.


Many people underestimate the dangers of insomnia. While in case of occasional insomnia there is not much reason to be concerned, chronic insomnia can lead to weakening of the immune system and disorders of the nervous system. Remember that our bodies need sleep to function properly. Fatigue, impaired memory, concentration and bad mood are just the first effects of insomnia.



The Sleep Blog does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Instead, this website provides general information for educational purposes only. Always seek the advice of a qualified health care provider if you have questions or concerns regarding any medical condition or treatment.

The Dangers of Drowsy Driving

This scenario may seem all too familiar, driving back from work, coming home from long weekend at the beach, and feeling tired but pushing through another 2 hours when you’ve already been driving for 6. Most of us drivers have been there, but many people do not realize the dangers of drowsy driving. Driving drowsy increases the likelihood that you will be involved in an accident, and the chances that you could be seriously injured or killed while driving.

Scientists compare driving tired to driving drunk, because, like alcohol, excessive sleepiness slows down our reaction times, decreases overall awareness and impairs judgment. Despite the dangers, an alarming 41 % of drivers admitted to having fallen asleep while driving, according to study released by AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety.

Most of us know not to drive drunk or let a friend or a family member get behind the wheel while intoxicated, many of us don’t seem to act as responsibly when it comes to drowsy driving. Tiredness can be hard to recognize, even for the person driving, so here are some signs to look out for (from the National Sleep Foundation):

  • Turning up the radio or rolling down the window to stay awake
  • Impaired reaction time and judgment
  • Decreased performance, vigilance and motivation
  • Trouble focusing, keeping your eyes open or your head up
  • Daydreaming and wandering thoughts
  • Yawning or rubbing your eyes repeatedly
  • Drifting from your lane, tailgating and missing signs or exits
  • Felling restless, irritable or aggressive

There are a number of ideas being recommended to avoid falling asleep behind the wheel: drinking coffee , listening to the radio, pinching yourself are all quick fixes that are only short term, the fact is that the only remedy for avoiding drowsy driving accident is getting adequate amount of sleep.

The Sleep Blog does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Instead, this website provides general information for educational purposes only. Always seek the advice of a qualified health care provider if you have questions or concerns regarding any medical condition or treatment.

The Secret to Summer Sleep? Get a Hammock…

Scientists are suggesting that to make the most of your afternoon siesta you should lie down in a hammock. A team of researchers at the University of Geneva found that the swinging motion “exerts a synchronizing action in the brain that reinforces endogenous sleep rhythms.”

 They conducted a study on twelve healthy male volunteers, ages 22-38, who were all good sleepers, non-habitual nappers with no excessive daytime sleepiness and low anxiety levels. The man were asked to nap on a bed that was either stationary or rock gently. Gentle swinging meant that the study participants fell asleep faster, they spent more time in the deep sleep phase and over all got a better quality sleep.

Researchers are not sure exactly why the swaying from side to side has an effect on sleep but they suspect that the motion helps to relax, but it is also possible that it directly affects the brain sensors responsible for sleep and other functions such as memory. Scientist from Geneva believe that their discovery may help to develop new treatment for insomnia and rehabilitation after traumatic brain injury.

To read a full article about this study click on :

The Sleep Blog does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Instead, this website provides general information for educational purposes only. Always seek the advice of a qualified health care provider if you have questions or concerns regarding any medical condition or treatment.